9 Powerful Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Sensitivity is among the common dental issues people of all age groups come across. You are more likely to encounter it if you are between 20 and 40 (probably because of their lifestyle). However, teens and seniors over 70 may also experience teeth sensitivity. Additionally, women are more prone to sensitive teeth than men. 1

According to statistics, 1 out of 8 Americans struggle with dentinal hypersensitivity. However, only a few of the patients consider it serious enough to necessitate a visit to a dental clinic. The good thing is that you can trust several home remedies for sensitive teeth unless there is a dire underlying condition. 2

Before considering a treatment for sensitive teeth, you must dig deep into the root cause of the problem. We have a comprehensive overview of sensitivity, its causes, remedies, and treatment.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Figuring out a remedy for sensitive gums and teeth will be a lot easier if you understand what it is about. Dentin hypersensitivity (DHS), as the condition is called, is characterized by a short, sharp pain arising from exposed dentin. The pain is typically in response to stimuli, which may be thermal, tactile, osmotic, evaporative, or chemical. In many cases, it may not even be linked with dental defects or diseases. 3

In simple words, sensitivity occurs due to the wear of the protective layers on the teeth and gums. The topmost layer on the teeth is enamel, and the roots below the gumline are covered with cementum. Underneath these layers is dentin, a less dense protective covering.

When the top layers wear away or get damaged, dentin is exposed. The microscopic canals called dentin tubules in the dentin allow fluids to flow in them. As a result, the slightest exposure to heat and cold can cause a sensation of pain in the nerves in your teeth and gums. This is when you experience tooth and gum sensitivity.

Potential Causes of Sensitive Teeth and Gums

Dentin hypersensitivity is a challenging and recurring condition that may surface without a warning. Imagine chewing your favorite food only to experience a sudden stab of pain in your teeth. What makes it more complex is that it is often attributed to a variety of reasons, some being unexpected. Here are the potential causes of sensitive teeth and gums:

Dental Erosion

Dental erosion happens due to the acid attack caused by acidic food and drinks. If you are addicted to colas and high-sodium processed foods, you are at risk of dental erosion. You may find yourself struggling with sensitive teeth and gums sooner than you imagine. 4

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a medical reason leading to tooth sensitivity. Studies also link gum sensitivity with periodontal disease. Plaque buildup can result in receding gums, and even worse, destroy the bony support of the teeth. In severe cases, pockets are formed in the gums around the teeth, making it hard to clean the area due to pain and soreness. 5

Brushing Too Hard

Did you know that brushing technique matters as much as consistency when it comes to maintaining oral health? Yes, brushing too hard and side to side can lead to toothbrush abrasion. The area where the teeth meet the gums is the most susceptible to sensitivity.

Cracked Tooth and Broken Filling

You may experience sensitivity if you have a cracked tooth or broken filling. The breakage exposes the delicate nerves underneath, leading to sensitivity to heat and cold.

Tooth Grinding

Surprisingly, your habits may also be the reason for sensitive teeth and gums. You may experience them if you clench and grind your teeth too often because it can cause the enamel to be worn away.

Tooth Bleaching

Tooth bleaching is a common dental procedure to treat yellowing and staining. However, it may cause sensitivity for a short time in some patients. Discuss the possibility with your dentist and seek treatment for sensitive teeth if you experience the issue. 6

Powerful Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Millions of Americans struggle with dental sensitivity, but visiting a clinic every time a hot or cold food or beverage hurts one’s teeth or gums is not feasible. Fortunately, there are several tried-and-true home remedies for teeth sensitivity that actually work. Here are a few to keep sensitivity at bay and enjoy your favorite meals and drinks without worrying about unexpected pain.

Salt Water Rinse

A saline rinse is the simplest way to deal with different dental woes, and sensitivity is not an exception. Salt works as an effective antiseptic and reduces inflammation. A twice-a-day gargling routine relieves pain symptoms from sensitive teeth.

Mix half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of lukewarm water, swish the solution for half a minute, and spit it out. Maintaining the routine consistently can help you get rid of dental sensitivity.


Curcumin, the potent compound in turmeric, can offer relief from several oral health issues. Turmeric is a widely used home treatment for sensitive teeth because of its anti-inflammatory properties. 7

Massaging a mix of roasted, ground turmeric and mustard oil can relieve pain and swelling around inflamed teeth and gums. You can prepare a paste of 1 tsp of turmeric, 12 tsp of mustard oil, and 12 tsp of salt for daily application to reduce gingivitis and periodontitis. Addressing these root causes will help you deal with sensitivity. 8

Hydrogen Peroxide

Besides being a natural whitening agent, hydrogen peroxide is another effective home remedy for sensitive gums and teeth. It works like a mild antiseptic and disinfectant, healing gums and preventing inflammation.

However, use it sparingly because excess of the chemical can do more harm than good. Two caps of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide diluted with equal parts warm water are enough to prepare a mouth rinse. Swishing the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds is the first step. Spit it out and rinse your mouth with water.

Warm Water and Honey

A natural antibacterial agent, honey can help with wound management. It can speed up wound healing, reduce pain, and curb inflammation. Research also validates its efficacy for treating dental caries and gingivitis. 9

Dilute a spoonful of honey in warm water and use the mixture to rinse your mouth. This remedy promotes healing and reduces pain from sensitive teeth and gums.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the well-known home remedies for sensitive teeth, besides being regarded among the healthiest beverages. Green tea polyphenols have anti-inflammatory properties making it great for oral health. 10

An inexpensive and easy-to-access home remedy, green tea is ideal for everyone. You can use unsweetened green tea as a mouthwash. Rinsing your mouth with it twice a day reduces sensitivity over time.

Clove Oil

A tried-and-true remedy for diverse dental issues, clove oil can soothe sensitive teeth and gums naturally. You can trust its anti-inflammatory properties to alleviate inflammation, while its analgesic action relieves pain and soreness.

Apply a little clove oil on the sore areas with a cotton swab. If you can bear the pinch, try chewing a clove for a bit until the pain subsides.

Guava Leaves

A 2017 review validates the efficacy of guava leaves for several health issues, including serving as a natural and safe treatment for sensitive teeth. Guava leaves are high in flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. 11

Chewing guava leaves can relieve tooth pain and sensitivity. You can also use a topical gel containing guava leaf extract for rapid relief.


Garlic has been used as a potent remedy for toothache and sensitivity for centuries. Allicin, the potent compound in garlic, is a natural antimicrobial. It may kill oral bacteria and protect your teeth from decay and sensitivity. 12

If you don’t mind the odor, chew on a clove of garlic to get lasting relief from sensitive teeth and gums. 

Desensitizing Toothpaste

You may want to look beyond the conventional home remedies for teeth sensitivity and take a more aggressive approach. Desensitizing toothpaste can be your best bet as it contains dental agents like potassium nitrate that make dentin less permeable. It means liquids cannot pass through the dentin and hurt the nerve underneath.

Seek recommendations from your dentist to get a product apt for your condition. Also, stick with a soft-bristle brush and fluoride mouthwash for the best results.

How to Deal with Tooth Sensitivity During Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign treatment and tooth sensitivity make a bad combination. Although Invisalign is less painful than traditional braces, it can still aggravate sensitivity in teeth and gums. The pain and soreness may reduce as your mouth adjusts to the aligners, but you may feel uncomfortable in the initial period.

Fortunately, Invisalign experts across the US have the right solutions and recommendations. If you are in Boston, check your options with a Boston Invisalign specialist before going ahead with the treatment. You should do it even if you don’t have sensitivity issues.

Your dentist will have these simple tips to prevent sensitivity and provide treatment for sensitive teeth if you encounter them at some point during the procedure:

·   Maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent tooth and gum problems leading to sensitivity

·   Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and easy strokes

·   Steer clear of acidic food and drinks that may damage the tooth enamel and loosen your gums

·   Avoid hot and cold food and drinks as they can aggravate sensitivity

·   Get rid of the habit of grinding your teeth because it can cause severe damage over time

If sensitivity persists, it is best to see your Invisalign expert even before your next scheduled appointment. Your aligners may require adjustment to reduce the pressure on your teeth and gums. Alternatively, your dentist may suggest active treatment for underlying dental problems if necessary.


Sensitive teeth and gums are more common than you imagine. Besides the pain and comfort the condition inflicts, it can affect your ability to relish your favorite food and drinks. You may feel hesitant to sip on a cup of coffee or bite an ice candy.

However, these simple home remedies for tooth sensitivity can address the concern. Besides offering a quick fix, they provide lasting relief from sensitive teeth and gums. At the same time, you should check with your dentist if you suffer from an underlying dental condition or are undergoing Invisalign treatment.

  1. https://www.dentalhealth.org/sensitive-teeth

  2. https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/2017/12/perils-of-sensitive-teeth#:~:text=Statistics%20show%20that%20one%20out,to%20a%20dentist%20about%20it.

  3. https://bmcoralhealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12903-020-01199-z 

  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8537624/

  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3501835/ 

  6. https://fomm.amegroups.org/article/view/66778/html 

  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3633300/

  8.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10165051/#R15 

  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4095052/ 

  10. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318822 

  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5412476/ 

  12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21548800/ 


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